Giving Back to the Community
College Scholarships
Every year the Society awards $1,000 to $1,500 scholarships to several high school students nearing graduation. Over $75,000 has already been awarded to qualified recipients by the Society. To view photos of this years' recipients click here.
- The 2024 scholarship recipients were Nathan Brini, Jake Kulcinskas, Sofia Marinelli, James Mucciacarrio, and Andrew Provost
- The 2023 scholarship recipients were Nicholas Bonnano and Juliana Marchettini.
- There were no applicants for 2022
- The 2021 scholarship recipients were Dominic Bonanno, Hailey Keel, Beverly Mastroianni and Juliana Mastroianni.
- The 2020 scholarship recipients were Alexia Cusano, Justin Fraleigh, Samuel Giangreco, Madelyn Mastroianni and John Orsini.
- The 2019 scholarship recipient was John Famiglietti.
- The 2018 scholarship recipients were Juliana Mandile, Julina Claudio, Rachel Sargis and Adelina Miceli.
- The 2017 scholarship recipients were Brianna Tarsek, Ryan Capelucci, Kira Bradley and Matthew Mastrionni.
- The 2016 scholarship recipients were Amanda Famiglietti, Marko Rosano, and Jenna Sanzo.
- The 2015 scholarship recipients were John Perkoski and Michael Orsini.
- The 2014 scholarship recipients were Kristina Russo, Carla Plourde, Anthony Maselli and Lauren Bellizzi.
- The 2013 scholarship recipients were Ryan Marquis, Katherine Perkoski, Katelin Puttin, and Stephanie Russo.
- The 2012 scholarship recipients were Michael Chirico, Amanda Crocker, Taylor Miceli, and Nicholas Plourde.
- The 2011 scholarship recipients were Jonathan Belizzi, Joseph Cusano, Audra Harris, and Anthony Marinelli.
- The 2010 scholarship recipients were Danielle Bonanno, Vincent Chirico, and Brendon Russo.
- The 2009 scholarship recipients were Anthony Cusano and Joseph Everett.
To be eligible, applicants must be a high school senior who is the son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter of a active member in good standing for 12 months and who has been accepted, and enrolled in a college, university, community college or accredited trade school in the fall. Scholarship applications are available upon request and can be obtained from any Committee member or by clicking here. Please note: Applications are available starting in March and the deadline is May 31st.
Christmas Toy Drive and Food Drive
At the 2023 member's and children's Christmas Party and the December monthly meeting, Patrica Pires, with the support of our President, Mike Chirico and Vice-President Angelo Vignone, coordinated and headed the collection and delivery of toys to the Department of Child and Families (DCF) for their toy shop. DCF was able to provide toys, clothes, coats, books and food to a 100 families and over 300 children. Thank you to the Society for your continued support in donating food. We can't thank Patrica and her team enough for making the holiday season special for so many children and families.
At the 2022 member's and children's Christmas Party and the December monthly meeting, Patrica Pires, with the support of our President, Mike Chirico and Vice-President Angelo Vignone, coordinated and headed the collection and delivery of toys to the Department of Child and Families (DCF) for their toy shop. DCF was able to provide toys, clothes, coats, books and food to a 100 families and over 300 children. Thank you to the Society for your continued support in donating food. We can't thank Patrica and her team enough for making the holiday season special for so many children and families.
At the 2021 member's and children's Christmas Party and the December monthly meeting, Patrica Pires, with the support of our President, Mary Joyce Cusano and Vice-President Michael Chirico, coordinated and headed the collection and delivery of toys to the Department of Child and Families (DCF) for their toy shop. DCF was able to provide toys, clothes, coats, books and food to a 100 families and over 300 children. Thank you to the Society for your continued support in donating food. We can't thank Patrica and her team enough for making the holiday season special for so many children and families. To view photos, click here!
At the 2019 member's and children's Christmas Party and the December monthly meeting, Patrica Pires, with the support of our President, Mary Joyce Cusano, Vice-President Michael Chirico and Richard Pires, coordinated and headed the collection and delivered non-perishable food items for the St. Rose Parish food pantry that is in such need during the holiday season. Thank you to the Society for your continued support in donating food. We can't thank Patrica and her team enough for making the holiday season special for so many children and families. To view photos, click here!
At the 2018 member's and children's Christmas Party and the December monthly meeting, Patrica Pires, with the support of our President, Mary Joyce Cusano, Vice-President Vinnie Chirico and Richard Pires, coordinated and headed the collection of unwrapped toys for children who are in DCF's (Department of Child and Families) care and most likely would not receive a toy during Christmas. Patrica with the support from Richard, also collected and delivered non-perishable food items for the St. Rose Parish food pantry and DCF that is in such need during the holiday season. Thank you to the Society for your continued support in donating toys and food. We can't thank Patrica and her team enough for making the holiday season special for so many children and families. To view photos, click here!
At the 2017 member's and children's Christmas Party and the December monthly meeting, Patrica Pires, with the support of our President, Mark Peluso, Vice-President Mary Joyce Cusano and Richard Pires, coordinated and headed the collection of unwrapped toys for children who are in DCF's (Department of Child and Families) care and most likely would not receive a toy during Christmas. Patrica with the support from Richard, also collected and delivered non-perishable food items for the St. Rose Parish food pantry and DCF that is in such need during the holiday season. Thank you to the Society for your continued support in donating toys and food. We can't thank Patrica and her team enough for making the holiday season special for so many children and families. To view photos, click here!
At the 2016 member's Christmas Party and the December monthly meeting, Patrica Pires, with the support of our President, Mark Peluso and Vice-President Mary Joyce Cusano, will coordinate and head the collection of unwrapped toys for children who are less fortunate and will most likely not receive a toy during Christmas. Patrica, with the support of Peggy and Steve Solimene, also will be collecting non-perishable food items for the St. Rose Parish food pantry that is in such need during the holiday season. Thank you to the Society for your continued support in donating toys and food. We can't thank Patrica and her team enough for making the holiday season special for so many children and families. To view photos, click here!
School Supplies for the Town of East Hartford
The Society donated $300 towards the purchase of school supplies. Purchased were many items including notebooks, pencils, crayons, etc which were then donated to the East Hartford Human Services for distribution.
Soup Kitchen Donations
The Society has continued its generocity by again donating $500 to the East Hartford Interfaith Ministries (EHIM) soup kitchen located in St John Church. The donation was used to purchase ham, chicken, fish, and large cans of vegetables requested by EHIM. In addition, canned goods were collected at the member's Christmas Party and donated to various kitchens throughout Connecticut.
Garibaldi-Meucci Italian Museum Donation
A donation of $250 was made to the Garibaldi-Meucci Italian Museum on behalf of the Society. The museum, located at Staten Island, NY, preserves the legacy of Antonio Meucci and Giuseppe Garibaldi and highlights their Italian heritage.
L’Aquila, Italy Earthquake Relief
The Society authorized a contribution of $2,000 towards the earthquake relief fund after a devastating earthquake hit L'Aquila, Italy. The funds will be combined with all Connecticut Italian local agencies and so far over $33,000 has been raised as of January 2010 to help the victims of the earthquake.